Josephinum Boys Home
Kilachery, Thiruvallur District 631 402
Tamil Nadu, India
Annual Report
By the providential care of St. Joseph, Josephinum cordially invited all the students after their summer vacation. To ensure safety, hassle free atmosphere, in the month of May lot of repairing workers in various department like, electrical, plumbing, sanitary were carried out to facilitate the students to enjoy a very good family atmosphere.
Students were motivated to shine on their intellectual, physical, character formation, including aesthetic sense. We had many events, and celebrations to make a joyful stay to the students.
Fresher’s day
Main focus: Good relation, mutual understand
- To facilitate the new comer’s to accustom themselves to this place.
Fresher’s day was celebrated with party games and with some fun making events.
Main focus: To realize oneself/ Good time to remember the well wishers
Most of the students are from Hindu background, so we teach them spiritual values to keep them pure and cure both in physical and psychological dimensions. To make them feel at ease we encourage them to acquire good qualities .To make them self-sustainable in religious matter. We give repeated instruction, discourses on various themes.
Everyday students recite rosary after supper and offer their prayer for the well being of the benefactors.
Main focus: Character formation
Students who are leaning towards base desire are disciplined by helping them to identify their good qualities and to work for the same.
Students are given a cash award, gifts to encourage their good works.
Leadership quality
Main focus: To lead one’s own life, family, and the country
Students with poor leadership quality are given chance to exercise and develop their leadership quality.
Main focus: To bring out the hidden talent
To develop the creativity of the student’s many events like, drama, drawing, dance, poem, short story writing, etc. were conducted on Saturdays. To ensure the active participation of all the students, four groups were formed and the points were given based on discipline, involvement, performance in various events, etc.
To develop the aesthetic sense students are encouraged to enroll themselves in various art works, like drama, drawing, clay making, gardening etc.
Physical development
Main focus: To keep healthy
All students are asked to work half an hour in the morning, manual jobs were done on leave days for one hour. Compulsory games from 4 to 5:30 p.m. like football, volleyball, ring throwing, skipping, shuttle cork, cricket.
Main focus: Vocal development
Regular singing classes were conducted by calling eminent people to teach them songs. Students are given practice to listen and speak English vocabularies, phonetic symbols.
Josephinum Orphanage provides food, shelter, clothing, education and health care to the children with the help of the Episcopal Secondary School Josephinum Hildesheim, North Germany. Our New Archbishop Most Rev Dr George Antonysamy and the Archdiocese of Madras- Mylapore and the children of Josephinum Boys Home, Kilachery are very grateful to the above said school and especially Dr. Mispagel, Mr.Michael Schonleber, Mrs.EvaTiecke, and his team members